Research - Publications
This is a complete listing of my publications.. A downloadable version of my curriculum vitae is also available in PDF format. If you have any questions about my work, please contact me. Thank you for your interest.
Refereed Publications
Seo, Y., Park, C.A. & Pollock, T.G. 2025. “Navigating moral markets: How strategic sensegiving and category membership shape media sentiment in the U.S. food processing industry” Strategic Organization, Forthcoming. Full Text PDF
Han, J-H, Pollock, T.G. & Paruchuri, S. 2024. “Public enemies? The differential effects of reputation and celebrity on corporate misconduct scandalization” Strategic Management Journal, 45(13): 2727-2762. Full Text PDF SMS Strategic Insights Summary
Pollock, T.G., Ragozzino, R. & Blevins, D. 2024. Not like the rest of us? How CEO celebrity affects the language used in quarterly earnings calls. Journal of Management, 50(4): 1198-1229. Full Text PDF Business Research Podcast Interview
Han, J-H., Pollock, T.G. & Graffin, S.D. 2024. Now you see me: How status and categorical proximity shape misconduct scandalization. Academy of Management Journal, 67(1): 208-231. Full Text PDF AMJ Podcast Interview LSE Blog Post AOM Insights Summary AMJ RadioLive Interview
Roccapriore, A.Y. & Pollock, T.G. 2023. I don’t need a degree, I’ve got abs: Influencer warmth and competence, communication mode, and stakeholder engagement on social media. Academy of Management Journal, 66(3): 979-1006. Full Text PDF Podcast Interview AOM Insights Summary The Conversation article Among Most Read AMJs of 2023
Paik, E., Pollock, T.G., Boivie, S., Lange, D. & Lee. P.M. 2023. A star is born: The relationship between performance and achieving status through certification contests in the context of equity analysts. Organization Science, 34(1): 75-99. Full Text PDF
Lovelace, J.B., Bundy, J., Pollock, T.G. & Hambrick, D.C. 2022. The push and pull of CEO celebrity attainment: A media routines perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 65(4): 1169-1191. Full Text PDF LSE Blog post Reputation Magazine Profile AOM Insights Summary
Acharya, A.G. & Pollock, T.G. 2021. Too many peas in a pod? How overlaps in directors’ status characteristics affect director exit in newly public firms. Academy of Management Journal, 64(5): 1472-1496. Full Text PDF
Han, J-H & Pollock, T.G. 2021. The two towers (or somewhere in between): The behavioral consequences of positional inconsistency across status hierarchies. Academy of Management Journal, 64(1): 86-113. Full Text PDF
Lashley, K. & Pollock, T.G. 2020. Dancing with giants: How small, women- and minority-owned firms manage asymmetric relationships with large partners. Organization Science, 31(6): 1313-1335. Full Text PDF Finalist, Bradford Osborne Research Award
Lashley, K. & Pollock, T.G. 2020. Waiting to inhale: Removing stigma in the medical cannabis industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(2): 434-482. Full Text PDF ASQ Blog Interview
Paruchuri, S., Pollock, T.G. & Kumar, N. 2019. On the tip of the brain: Understanding when negative reputational events can have positive reputation spillovers, and for how long. Strategic Management Journal,40(12): 1965-1983. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G., Lashley, K., Rindova, V.P. & Han, J-H. 2019. Which of these things are not like the others? Comparing the rational, emotional and moral aspects of reputation, status, celebrity and stigma. Academy of Management Annals, 13(2): 444-478. Full Text PDF
Gomulya, D., Jin, K. Lee, P.M. & Pollock, T.G. 2019. Crossed Wires: Endorsement signals and the effects of IPO firm delistings on venture capitalists’ reputations. Academy of Management Journal, 62(3): 641-666. Full Text PDF
Hubbard, T., Pollock, T.G., Pfarrer, M.D. & Rindova, V.P. 2018. Safe bets or hot hands? How status and celebrity influence strategic alliance formations of newly-public firms. Academy of Management Journal, 61(5): 1976-1999. Full Text PDF AOM Insights Summary
Lovelace, J., Bundy, J., Hambrick, D.C. & Pollock, T.G. 2018. The shackles of celebrity: How star CEOs’ socio-cognitive and behavioral constraints affect firm performance. Academy of Management Review, 43(3): 419-444. Full Text PDF AOM Insights Summary
Chaterjee, A. & Pollock, T.G. 2017. Master of puppets: How narcissistic CEOs construct their professional worlds. Academy of Management Review, 42(4): 703-725. Full Text PDF AOM Insights Summary Finalist, Academy of Management Review Managerial Practice Award
Pollock, T.G., Lee, P.M., Jin, K. & Lashley, K. 2015. (Un)Tangled: Exploring the asymmetric co-evolution of VC firm reputation and status. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(3): 482-517. Full Text PDF ASQ Blog Interview
Acharya, A.G. & Pollock, T.G. 2013. Shoot for the stars? Predicting the recruitment of prestigious directors by newly public firms. Academy of Management Journal, 56(5), 1396-1419. Full Text PDF
Boivie, S., Graffin, S.D. & Pollock, T.G. 2012. Time for me to fly: Predicting director exits from large firms. Academy of Management Journal, 55(6): 1334-1359. Full Text PDF
Lee, P.M., Pollock, T.G. & Jin, K. 2011. The contingent value of venture capitalist reputation. Strategic Organization, 9(1): 33-69. Full Text PDF
Pfarrer, M.D., Pollock, T.G. & Rindova, V.P. 2010. A tale of two assets: The effects of firm reputation and celebrity on earnings surprises and investors' reactions. Academy of Management Journal, 53(5) 1131-1152. Full Text PDF Winner, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation Best Published Paper Award for 2010.
Mishina, Y., Dykes, B.J., Block, E.S. & Pollock, T.G. 2010. Why good firms do bad things: The effects of high aspirations, high expectations and prominence on the incidence of corporate illegality. Academy of Management Journal, 53(4): 701-722. Full Text PDF Video of me discussing the study. Finalist, Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Award for 2010.
Pollock, T.G., Chen, G., Jackson, E.M. & Hambrick, D.C. 2010. Just how much prestige is enough? Assessing the value of multiple types of high-status affiliates for young firms" Journal of Business Venturing, 25(1): 6-23. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G., Fund, B.R. & Baker, T. 2009. Dance with the one that brought you? Venture capital firms and the retention of founder-CEOs. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 3: 199-217. Full Text PDF
Chen, G., Hambrick, D.C. & Pollock, T.G. 2008. Puttin' on the ritz: Pre-IPO enlistment of prestigious affiliates as deadline-induced remediation. Academy of Management Journal, 51(5): 954-975. Full Text PDF
Detert, J.R. & Pollock, T.G. 2008. Values, interests and the capacity to act: Understanding professionals' responses to market-based improvement initiatives in highly institutionalized organizations. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(2): 186-214. Full Text PDF
Wade, J.B., Porac, J.F., Pollock, T.G. & Graffin, S.D. 2008. Star CEOs: Benefit or burden? Organizational Dynamics, 37(2): 203-210. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G., Rindova, V.P. & Maggitti, P.G. 2008. Market Watch: Information and Availability Cascades in the U.S. IPO Market. Academy of Management Journal, 51(2): 335-358. Full Text PDF Winner, 2009 AOM Entrepreneurship Division IDEA Award for best entrepreneurship research published in 2008.
Pollock, T.G. & Gulati, R. 2007. Standing out from the crowd: The visibility enhancing effects of IPO-related signals on alliance formations by entrepreneurial firms. Strategic Organization, 5(4): 339-372. Full Text PDF
Wade, J.B., O'Reilly, C.A. & Pollock, T.G. 2006. Overpaid CEOs and underpaid managers: Fairness and executive compensation. Organization Science, 17(5): 527-544. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study
Wade, J.B., Porac, J.F., Pollock, T.G. & Graffin, S.D. 2006. The Burden of celebrity: The impact of CEO certification contests on CEO pay and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 49(4): 643-660. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study
Rindova, V.P., Pollock, T.G. & Hayward, M.L.A. 2006. Celebrity firms: The social construction of market popularity. Academy of Management Review, 31(1): 50-71. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study
Mishina, Y., Pollock, T.G. & Porac, J.F. 2004. Are more resources always better for growth? Resource stickiness in market and product expansion. Strategic Management Journal, 25: 1179-1197. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G. 2004. The benefits and costs of underwriters' social capital in the U.S. IPO market. Strategic Organization, 2(4): 357-388. Full Text PDF
Fischer, H.M. & Pollock, T.G. 2004. Effects of social capital and power on surviving transformational change: The case of initial public offerings. Academy of Management Journal, 47: 463-481. Full Text PDF
Hayward, M.L.A. Rindova, V.P. & Pollock, T.G. 2004. Believing one's own press: The antecedents and consequences of chief executive officer celebrity. Strategic Management Journal, 25(7): 637-653. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study
Pollock, T.G., Porac, J.F. & Wade, J.B. 2004. Constructing deal networks: brokers as network ‘architects’ in the U.S. IPO market and other examples. Academy of Management Review, 29(1): 50-72. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G. & Rindova, V.P. 2003. Media legitimation effects in the market for initial public offerings. Academy of Management Journal. 46(5): 631-642. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study. Reprinted in Strategies for New Venture Development, edited by Ari Ginsberg, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010.
Carpenter, M.A., Pollock, T.G. & Leary, M.M. 2003. Governance, the experience of principals and agents, and global strategic intent: Testing a model of reasoned risk taking. Strategic Management Journal, 24: 803-820. Full Text PDF Reprinted in International Entrepreneurship, edited by Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia P. McDougal, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.
Pollock, T.G., Fischer, H.M. & Wade, J.B. 2002. The role of power and politics in the repricing of executive options. Academy of Management Journal, 45: 1172-1182. Full Text PDF Business Press coverage of the study
Pollock, T.G., Whitbred, R.C. & Contractor, N. 2000. Social information processing and job characteristics: A test and integration of two theories with implications for job satisfaction." Human Communication Research, 26(2), 292-330. Full Text PDF
Thomas, H. & Pollock, T.G. 1999. From I-O economics’ S-C-P paradigm through strategic groups to competence-based competition: Reflections on the puzzle of competitive strategy. British Journal of Management, 10(2), 127-140. Full Text PDF Reprinted in Corporate Strategy (Vol. 1), edited by Jeffrey A. Krug, Sage Publishing, 2009.
Porac, J.F., Wade, J.B. & Pollock, T.G. 1999. Industry categorizations and the politics of the comparable firm in CEO compensation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(1), 112-144. Full Text PDF
Thomas, H., Pollock, T. & Gorman, P. 1999. Global strategic analysis: Frameworks and approaches. Academy of Management Executive, 13(1), 70-82. Full Text PDF
Wade, J.B., Porac, J.F. & Pollock, T.G. 1997. Worth, words and the justification of executive pay. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18, 641-664. Full Text PDF
Wade, J.B., Porac, J.F., Pollock, T.G. & Meindl, J. 1997. Hitch your wagon to a CEO star? Testing two views about the pay, reputation and performance of top executives. Corporate Reputation Review, 1:1-2, 103-107. Full Text PDF
Invited Publications
Pollock, T.G. 2022. Walking the talk: Applauding AMD’s efforts to make academic writing more engaging. Academy of Management Discoveries, 8(4): 491-493. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G. & Bono, J.E. 2013. From the Editors – Being Scheherazade: The importance of storytelling in academic writing. Academy of Management Journal, 56(3): 629-634. Full Text PDF
Barnett, M.L. & Pollock, T.G. 2012. Building and maintaining a strong corporate reputation: A broad look at a core issue. European Financial Review, August/September: 6-9. Full Text PDF
Grant, A.M. & Pollock, T.G. 2011. From the Editors - Publishing in AMJ - Part 3: Setting the hook. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5): 873-879. Full Text PDF
Baker, T. & Pollock, T.G. 2007. Making the marriage work: The benefits for strategic organization from strategy's takeover of entrepreneurship. Strategic Organization, 5(3): 297-312. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G. 2021. How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing: Techniques for Engaging Readers and Successfully Navigating the Writing and Publishing Processes. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Book Reviews in Administrative Science Quarterly, Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education, and Le Libellio (translated)
Barnett, M.L. & Pollock, T.G. (co-editors) 2015. Corporate Reputation: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management. Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis. Introduction Chapter PDF
Barnett, M.L. & Pollock, T.G. (co-editors) 2012. The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Reputation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Winner, 2013 Bright Idea Award from Seton Hall University and the New Jersey Policy Research Organization. Introduction Chapter PDF Book Reviews in Administrative Science Quarterly and Organization Studies.
Book Chapters
Pollock, T.G. & Rindova, V.P. 2025. The Alchemy of social evaluations: Increasing value through dynamic transformations. In A. Zavyalova and R. Younger (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Social Evaluations. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming. Full Text PDF
Pollock, TG. & Graf-Vlachy, L. 2025. Because I’m punk! How NOFX navigated its social evaluations among punks. In D. Pearson, E. Bernhard & S. Morello, (eds.) Problematic Punk: NOFX at Forty. London, UK: Bloomsbury. Forthcoming. Full Text PDF
Han, J-H, Pollock, T.G. & Paruchuri, S. 2023. Goofus or Gallant? An attribution-based theory of misconduct spillover valance. in Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Consequences and Impact Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 85: 35-51. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G., Mishina, Y. & Seo, Y. 2016. Falling stars: Celebrity, infamy, and the fall from (and return to) grace. In D. Palmer, R. Greenwood & K. Smith-Crowe (eds.) Organizational Wrongdoing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press: 235-269. Full Text PDF
Pollock, T.G. & Lashley, K. 2014. Who needs a shrink when you have BusinessWeek? Using content analysis to get inside the heads of Entrepreneurs, VCs and other market participants. In T. Baker and F. Welter (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Oxford, UK: Routledge: 423-438. Full Text PDF
Baker, Pollock, T.G. & Sapienza, H.J. 2013. Winning an unfair game: How a resource-constrained player uses bricolage to maneuver in a highly institutionalized field. In, A. Corbett & J. Katz (Eds.) Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, 15. London, UK: Emerald Publishing: 1-41. Full Text PDF
Fund, B.R., Pollock, T.G., Baker, T. & Wowak, A. 2008. Who's the new kid? The process of becoming central in venture capitalist deal networks. In J.A.C. Baum & T.J. Rowley (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, 25. London, UK: Emerald Publishing: 563-593. Full Text PDF
Porac, J.F., Mishina, Y. & Pollock, T.G. 2002. Entrepreneurial narratives and the dominant logics of high growth firms. in Anne Huff & Mark Jenkins (Eds.) Mapping Strategic Knowledge, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage: 112-136. Full Text PDF
Conference Proceedings
Han, J-H, Pollock, T.G. & Paruchuri, S. 2020. “Public enemies? Reputation, celebrity, and the scandalizing of organizational misconduct” Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OMT Division.
Han, J-H & Pollock, T.G. 2019. Eyes wide shut: The competing effects of information availability and visibility enhancement on post-IPO media coverage. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OMT Division.
Lashley, K., Pollock, T.G. & Misangyi, V. 2016. Weed, words and winning: Entrepreneurial storytelling in a stigmatized industry. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research BCERC Proceedings.
Hubbard, T.D., Pollock, T.G., Pfarrer, M.D. & Rindova, V.P. 2016. Pump up the volume: The effects of celebrity and status on newly-public firms’ access to resources. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OMT Division.
Pollock, T.G., Lee, P.M., Jin, K. & Lashley, K. 2014. Chicken or egg: Exploring the co-evolution of VC firm reputation and status. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research BCERC Proceedings.
Pollock, T.G., Lee, P.M., Jin, K. & Lashley, K. 2014. Chicken or egg: Exploring the co-evolution of VC firm reputation and status. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OMT Division.
Mishina, Y., Pollock, T.G. & Bragaw, N.A. 2012. Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em? Differentiating between loss aversion and the house money effect in CEO reactions to firm performance. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OMT Division.
Lee, P.M., Pollock, T.G. & Jin, K. 2007. Substance, symbolism and the 'signal strength' of venture capitalist prestige. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, BPS Divsion.
Pollock, T.G., & Baker, T. 2005. Who's minding the store? Venture capitalist styles and the replacement of founder-CEOs. The Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Proceedings of the Babson/Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 403-415.
Pollock, T.G., Gulati, R. & Sadler, A. 2002. Relational and market-based legitimation of internet IPOs. Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, BPS Division11-16.